Foodsharing Taiwan is a grassroots initiative to systematically fight occurring food waste in Taiwan by organizing cooperation with stores on a large scale in an easily manageable way.
自2016年四月起,我們便在台北展開每日從合作店家收取剩食的活用「Foodsaver惜食者契約切結書」 Since April 2016 we are daily picking up food from cooperating stores in Taipei using our legal agreement.
What should we do with surplus food? Tossing food into the bin is wasteful, but how can it be donated to people who need or want it? German research assistant Stefan Simon is promoting foodsharing in Taiwan, not only to reduce food waste, but also for the sake of a more sustainable environment.
‘Why throw away food which is still edible? Food waste is not just about food themselves, but also about the waste of water, earth, energy and labor resources that are required to produce the food,’ said Stefan Simon.